Famous Quotes By Mar Melchizedek

Life is not about happiness. It is about holiness – but holiness is what makes you happy.


Slander and defamation are a cancer that cannot be treated like a virus, but with he antidote of truth.


We hold good ecumenical contacts and friendly relations with all Christians. By virtue of our common baptism, we all are God's children (Romans 10:13). Divisions are man-made because of our sinful, selfish nature culminating into political and ideological aims. Whoever, therefore, opposes or even humiliates another Christian and his affiliation, especially to exalt oneself, violates the Holy Gospel and commits a grave sin. Thus, I cannot take the opinions of fanatics and propagandists on the subject of "canonical" seriously.


It is dreadful how much we argue and about what we argue, while we ourselves, our fellow humans and our environment need healing. We get lost in denominational  elitism, historical quarrels, self-righteous Bible interpretations and man-made rules  -  all that should embarrass us. Meanwhile, God’s children are still hurting, hungry and waiting for a word of comfort and encouragement.


Do not envy the violent and do not choose any of their ways; for the perverse are an abomination to the Lord, but the upright are in his confidence (Prov. 3:31-32).

Religious fanaticism, which most people detest and to which they often respond with aversion against anything religious or spiritual, is however nothing new; for the devil with his demon-possessed helpers does everything to make modern society unsettling and aversive towards God. A criminal band like "ISIS”, for example, is nothing more than a tool of satan, getting into the minds of people under the disguise of religion, by possessing them to do evil and destruction. The world with its secular political orientation has no credible answer, but we know who the real culprit is. 


Stable spiritual and religious practice are the only human endeavors that have consistently provided models to give meaning and purpose to our lives. Our holy Orthodox faith and practice teaches ordinary people how to live and think in new dimensions, unifying spirit and matter. 


The matter is that we must give up our categorical thinking and approach issues and problems with an inclusive mindset.  Organizations, movements and causes that promote the value of life are intrinsically and morally good, as God has created life and is the only arbiter to end it.